Does Shakeology Taste Good?

does shakeology taste good

Before buying Shakeology, the question everyone wants to know is, does Shakeology taste good? Which is a great question. I mean, who wants to force down a nasty tasting shake? I sure don’t. Before I answer the question, does Shakeology taste good?, let me tell you a little bit about it. Shakeology is more than … Read more

Looking For A Shakeology Alternative

Shakeology Alternative

Are you looking for a Shakeology alternative? Maybe the price tag is a little on the side for you and you are looking for a way to get a similar product at a better price. It makes sense, why not save a few dollars if possible. I’d love to buy a brand new Tesla for … Read more

Unbiased Shakeology Reviews

Unbiased Shakeology Reviews

Are you looking for unbiased Shakeology reviews? It seems like everything out there on the internet about Shakeology has been posted by a Beachbody Coach trying to sell it it to you. This is the problem with doing research on any product online. Most of the websites you come across contain a “buy now” link … Read more

Does Shakeology Give You Energy?

does shakeology give you energy

Many people ask me the question, “does Shakeology give you energy?“ And my answer to that question is, “yes”. But is it important to understand how Shakeology gives people energy. Shakeology gives people energy in a natural way. Shakeology is not a stimulant and it isn’t supposed to give you a surge of energy the … Read more

Howard Stern Drinks Shakeology – What Is Shakeology?

Howard Stern Drinks Shakeology

I was driving down the road today (7/15/19) listening to The Howard Stern Show and was pleasantly surprised to hear Howard mention that he had started drinking Shakeology. I was NOT surprised to hear that Howard loved it, and that he also lost 5 lbs in only a week or two because of Shakeology. Brent … Read more

Does Shakeology Work For Weight Loss?

shakeology and losing weight

Q. Does Shakeology Work For Weight Loss? A. Yes, but Shakeology is not the ONLY variable. For example, you can’t dip your McDonald’s french fries in Shakeology and expect the pounds to start falling off. Duh, I’m sure you knew that already, right? But let me explain a little more… A simple question that I’m … Read more

Why Isn’t Shakeology FDA Approved?

Is Shakeology FDA approved?

Every bag of Shakeology has this on the label; “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” Someone recently reach out to me and said, “I love Shakeology, but I’m concerned about the FDA labeling on the package, … Read more

Is Shakeology Worth The Money?

is shakeology worth it

When I first heard about Shakeology the first thought that popped into my head was, “great, another over-priced protein shake”. I’m a skeptical person in general (I think most of us are), but I also try not to be a cynic. I like to research and do my due diligence on things, and I’m assuming … Read more

Does Shakeology Work Without Exercise?

does shakeology work

Recently we’ve had several people ask the same question, “does Shakeology work without exercise?”. So we’ve decided to make a post answering this question. There is not really a yes or now answer to this question. Like most things in life, the answer it not black or white and falls somewhere in between in a grey … Read more

Shakeology Ingredients – What’s In This Stuff?

shakeology ingredients

Are you wondering what’s in Shakeology? Do you want to see the actual Shakeology ingredients list that is on the label of the bag? If so you’re in the right place… Keep reading! I’ll be honest, when Shakeology first came on the scene I was skeptical. My initial reaction was, “great, another over-priced protein shake… … Read more

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