Turbo Fire Results With Before & After Pictures

Turbo Fire Results
Turbo Fire Results

Congratulations to Michelle C. for achieving amazing Turbo Fire results and for winning $500 for being chosen as the daily Beachbody Challenge winner. Michelle lost a total of 58 pounds and 48 inches overall.

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SEE ALSO: Does Shakeology Help You Lose Weight?

Read Michelle’s story in her own words below:

“When my boyfriend began to lose interest in me because of my weight, that was bad.

“But when my child asked, Mommy, what’s wrong with your belly?” I knew I had to confront my problem, get into shape and get my health back.”

I needed a program that was going to get me fast results—and didn’t require me to buy weights, because money was tight—so I picked TurboFire.

I committed myself to 90 days and told myself that I could do this. I just had to press play every day and give it my all. And guess what? I loved TurboFire! I loved how fun losing weight was with TurboFire. I didn’t feel like I was working out.

It wasn’t easy. But I kept going. Once my family saw my 30-day picture, they couldn’t believe I was doing it and losing weight. But I was! The pictures and keeping track of my weight kept me going. I have now lost a total of 58 lbs. and 45 inches over all.

Mostly, I’ve done it by myself. But my Challenge Group has been a big help. The advice I have gotten with what to eat (portions and how often) had such a huge impact on my weight loss!

I’m so happy. I’m pumped and have lots of energy. I actually feel sexy for once in my life. And my boyfriend actually tells his friends to “look at his new girlfriend!”

I’m not done, though. Now this Mama wants some abs!”

Michelle C.

What an inspiring story!

Michelle is proof that Turbo Fire works. It’s not easy, but will produce amazing results for anyone that is truly committed and willing to go through the program.

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SEE ALSO: What Is The Best Beachbody Workout?

Tessara’s Results

Congratulations to Tessara, she got amazing results with ChaLean Extreme and Turbo Fire!

Turbo Fire Workout Before & After Picture

This is what Tessara had to say about her transformation:

“My husband is a U.S. Army infantryman, so he’s always in tip-top shape. But after I had my baby, I certainly wasn’t. I felt so flabby and out of shape, I was so depressed—I had a true ‘mom’ body and I was just 26 years old! How sad is that?

So I started working—doing TurboFire out every day—just for me. As a stay-at-home mom and Army wife, finding time was tough. Until Chalene helped me see that by waking up just one hour earlier and making time for me would make me a better mom, wife and overall person.

And it really did. Now, after TurboFire and ChaLean Extreme, my life has done a 180. I have a BETTER body than I ever have. I lost 10 lbs, dropped 4 inches off my legs, and now I have abs! I like myself so much better now. I’ve become a Beachbody Coach to share my love of fitness with others.

And I made it my mission to spread the word to other military wives and mamas, who have all made the time for themselves and have new bodies to show off when they’re husbands return from deployment.

I have found my niche. Thanks Chalene and thanks, Beachbody.”

Tessara D.

Congratulations Tessara on your results and on winning $500 in the Beachbody Challenge! You are motivation and inspiration for us all.

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Mariana Lost 26 Pounds With The Turbo Fire Workout!

Congratulations to Mariana who got awesome results with Turbo Fire!

Mariana lost over 26 pounds, and is now $500 richer for being a daily winner in the Beachbody Challenge. Check out her Turbo Fire before and after picture below:

Turbo Fire Results Picture

Wow! Mariana got great results. If you’re skeptical and are wondering if these photos are real or airbrushed in some way, I can tell you that they are 100% real. Every week hundreds of real people submit there results for a chance at winning the Beachbody Challenge. If you’re interested in taking the Challenge and submitting your own results, you can find information on how to get started by clicking here.

Read Mariana’s story in here own words below:

“I can’t remember the last time my weight wasn’t on my mind. It has been a constant battle since I was 9. I was the girl who spent tons of money on trainers. I’d go the first week, then find excuses to stop. I’d do CRAZY diets, then quit and gain everything back. I was completely unhealthy.

When I was at my heaviest, I was sitting on the couch one night eating chocolate when I came across an INSANITY infomercial. I was so impressed with the results that people were having that I decided to Google “insanity” and “insanity results.” I stayed up ‘til 4 am looking at transformations and wishing it was me.

Best of all, I convinced myself to stop wishing and start doing! One of the transformations that caught my eye was from a Beachbody Coach named Melinda. I emailed her and the next day she replied. She asked about me and asked about my goals, then sent me some info about Turbo Fire and said I would love it.

She was so right. The punching, kicking and jumping keeps me pumped throughout the whole day. The music is AMAZING and Chalene motivates me to keep doing more than I did the last time. I FEEL AMAZING! I can say for the first time that I am HAPPY, HEALTHY, and PROUD. I still have to pinch myself to believe it, but I lost 26.5 lbs. with 90 days of Turbo Fire.

And I’m a completely changed person. There’s no room for negativity in my life. I didn’t stop with Turbo Fire. I’m now doing P90x and I’m planning to BRING IT with another program.

Best of all, I became a Coach because I feel like my results can inspire people to become fit and healthy. I learned that I am much stronger than I thought and am capable of achieving my goals through hard work. I’m happy.”

Mariana P.

Congratulations on your hard work Mariana!

If you’re interested in learning more about the Beachbody Challenge and how you can get in shape AND WIN MONEY!Click Here

Caitlin’s Turbo Fire Results

Congratulations to Caitlin on her amazing Turbo Fire results. Caitlin lost 37 pounds, gained immeasurable confidence, and won $500 for participating in the Beachbody Challenge!

Turbo Fire Workout

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Those are some amazing before and after pictures. Below is Caitlin’s story in her own words:

“As an 18 year old, I was insecure and depressed about my body. At 22, not much had changed. When looking down, I couldn’t see my feet over my stomach, was too embarrassed to date, and refused to have a full length mirror in my room. Since I wouldn’t buy myself bigger clothes, I wore the same two outfits over and over again.

Then one day, I decided I was tired of that life and bought Turbo Fire. Figured it was a good choice, considering I’d grown up dancing. But apparently, I still lacked the motivation to change because I used every excuse in the book as to why I didn’t have time to work out while cramming my face with fast food at 1:30 am. So when I got my lab results back and my doctor told me that I had Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease, and Colitis, I wasn’t surprised. Everything I ate upset my stomach and I never had any energy. My doctor had a heart-to-heart with me about my health, and in that moment something clicked—the very next day I dusted off the Turbo Fire DVD’s, started working out religiously, and drastically changed my diet.

Fast forward a few months and so far, I’ve lost 37 pounds and have gained an immeasurable amount of confidence. I’ve completely transformed my body with Turbo Fire and have never been healthier. I don’t even recognize myself in the mirror anymore (my full- length mirror). And for the first time, in a long, long time, I actually smile at my reflection. I’ve given up drinking sodas and juice, and haven’t eaten out in over 8 months. I’m no longer scared to meet new people and simply feel great about life. I even have an incredible boyfriend who encourages me to work out and eat healthy daily.

While Turbo Fire transformed my entire body, it made the greatest impact on my middle, because finally, I have a six-pack. So when I look in the mirror and see what I see, I thank God everyday for getting me off my butt and doing this with my life. And, of course, I thank Beachbody for teaming up with Chalene to create her amazing and inspirational life-changing workouts.”

Congratulations Caitlin! You are an inspiration and motivation to us all!

SEE ALSO: Should You Become A Beachbody Coach?

Below is a video of another amazing Turbo Fire success story:


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