What Is The Ultimate Portion Fix?

Ultimate Portion Fix

It’s been said that weight loss results come from 75% what you eat, and 25% exercise. In other words, if you’re trying to lose weight, or even maintain your current weight, what you put in your mouth is very important. Sure, exercise and being active will help, but your diet will be the biggest factor … Read more

Why Isn’t Shakeology FDA Approved?

Is Shakeology FDA approved?

Every bag of Shakeology has this on the label; “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” Someone recently reach out to me and said, “I love Shakeology, but I’m concerned about the FDA labeling on the package, … Read more

Transform 20 – Shaun T’s New 20 Minute/Day Workout

transform 20

Shaun T is BACK! Shaun T, the creator of the popular in-home workouts Insanity, T25, and more, is back at it with his new workout, Transform 20. Transform 20 is for anyone, at any fitness level (it contains “modifiers”), and is guaranteed to produce results in only 20 minutes a day. Yes, you read that … Read more

Liift4 Now Available On Beachbody On Demand

liift 4 workout

Beachbody’s newest workout LIIFT4 is now available on Beachbody On Demand! I’m through the first 2 weeks and so far I’m loving the program. What I love about Beachbody’s workout programs is that they give you a plan to follow. There is no guesswork. All I have to do is follow the schedule. My favorite … Read more

Is Shakeology Worth The Money?

is shakeology worth it

When I first heard about Shakeology the first thought that popped into my head was, “great, another over-priced protein shake”. I’m a skeptical person in general (I think most of us are), but I also try not to be a cynic. I like to research and do my due diligence on things, and I’m assuming … Read more

Beachbody’s Beachbar – Delicious & Healthy!

Beachbody Beachbar

Beachbody’s new BEACHBAR is finally available, and here are the details! 10g of protein 5-6g of sugar 150 calories DELICIOUS!  Beachbar comes in 2 flavors: Chocolate Cherry Almond Peanut Butter Chocolate Or Try Out Both Flavors – Click Here! What Makes Beachbar Different From Other Snack Bars? Calorie for calorie Beachbar has a higher … Read more

Clean Week – Beachbody Workout Program – FREE!

clean week workout

Clean Week is a great introductory program for beginners. Many people are intimidated by some of Beachbody’s intense workouts, like P90x and Insanity for example. And I get it, to most people, the moves shown on the Insanity workout infomercial can appear… well… INSANE. Clean Week is NOT as intense as some of the other … Read more

Does Shakeology Work Without Exercise?

does shakeology work

Recently we’ve had several people ask the same question, “does Shakeology work without exercise?”. So we’ve decided to make a post answering this question. There is not really a yes or now answer to this question. Like most things in life, the answer it not black or white and falls somewhere in between in a grey … Read more

Shakeology Ingredients – What’s In This Stuff?

shakeology ingredients

Are you wondering what’s in Shakeology? Do you want to see the actual Shakeology ingredients list that is on the label of the bag? If so you’re in the right place… Keep reading! I’ll be honest, when Shakeology first came on the scene I was skeptical. My initial reaction was, “great, another over-priced protein shake… … Read more

Is Shakeology A Meal Replacement?

shakeology meal replacement

A popular question asked is, “is Shakeology a meal replacement?” In this post we’re going to be answering that question and explaining what exactly Shakeology is and who should drink it. Like most things in life, the answer to the questions is, “it depends”. There usually isn’t black or white answer, the answer usually falls in … Read more

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