Comparing Beachbody’s Home Business To Other Home Business Companies

I really don’t like to get into the, “my business is better than your business” debate. Everyone that is involved in a home based business will insist that they have the best product, a “ground floor” opportunity, and the most lucrative compensation plan, etc, and etc.

Seriously, I hear these things on a daily basis from people trying to pitch me on their opportunity. While I’ll admit some of the marketing is pretty good and I can see how it would be effective, I still feel that Beachbody is the overall best home based opportunity around. Of course I’m biased because I’m a Beachbody Coach, but in this post I’ll give the reasons why I feel Beachbody is in a league of their own in the home based business world.

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Cosmetics, Jewelry, and Candles

Cosmetics, skin care, make-up, jewelry, and candles are all popular products that are sold through home based business companies and distributors. I’m not knocking any specific companies or products, I’m sure they are great. I just want to point out that those products are geared more towards women. With the products being geared towards woman, right from the start this cuts down your potential market by 50%. Jewelry, make-up, and candles are products that men typically are interested in, so they are going to be very difficult to acquire as customers. Wouldn’t it be an advantage to be able to offer products to both men and women?

Another thing that I think is important to mention is that the products I refer to above can be purchased anywhere. You can find these products in any Walmart or department store. If I want a candle, I’m going to go to a store a buy one. I do understand the home party aspects to these companies, which can be effective. People will go to a home party and make purchases, but are the buying because they really want the product, or are they buying to be polite? Often times when people attend a “home party” they feel obligated to buy something.

Lastly, it’s not really possible to get emotionally attached to make-up, candles, or jewelry. Sure a candle might smell great, and a bracelet might be beautiful, but we’re not talking about life changing products here. This is very important to consider, especially for a distributor. If you’ve been involved in a home based business, you know that it is very challenging. It is very easy to get discouraged and quit, especially when you’re not emotionally attached to the product you are selling.

I want to point out that I’m not just picking on candles, make-up, and jewelry. I’m just using those as examples. There are many other companies that sell products that would fit into the same categories of being able to easily find something similar in stores, and not being a product that would get a customer emotionally attached. For example, purses, boots, cooking utensils, knives, etc.

Now Lets Take A Look At Beachbody

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Here are several reasons why I think Beachbody is in a league of its own in the home based business world:

Brand awareness. Pretty much everyone has heard of Beachbody’s workout programs, and most people even know someone that is doing one or has done one. To compare this to other companies,  I can’t think of any specific products that these other home based businesses are selling. I know what they sell, but I don’t know of a specific product.

For example, you’d have to be living under a rock to of not heard of P90x. If we take a look at the P90x fan page on facebook, at the time I’m writing this, they have over 675,000 “Likes”… that is huge!

P90x Facebook Fan Page
P90x Facebook Fan Page

Over 675,000 “Likes”….Wow!!

When looking around very quickly to try and find another home based business company with a product that has a similar fan base, I couldn’t find anything even remotely close to this. And this is just ONE of Beachbody’s products. Here are the current numbers for several more:

  • Insanity – 770,000 “Likes”
  • Shakeology – 144,000 “Likes”
  • Turbo Fire – 79,000 “Likes”
  • Brazil Butt Lift – 39,000 “Likes”

I think you get the idea. Beachbody has great products that customers love. I challenge you to find an individual product from another network marketing company that has this kind of fan base.

Because of Beachbody’s major brand awareness, people are out looking for these products. People already want to buy them. So when a  Beachbody Coach is able to show their potential customers how they can give them a better deal than they could get from ordering from the infomercial, it’s an easy sale.

SEE ALSO: I Lost A Sale To…Ughhh!

Beachbody Is Able To Hand Out Free Customers

In addition to having to having a huge fan base and massive brand awareness, Beachbody is the only home based business that is able to literally hand out customer leads to their distributors. (Beachbody Coaches have to qualify in order to receive these customers, but qualifying isn’t too difficult…you can learn more on this by reading my post here:

Beachbody’s customer lead program is an awesome incentive for Beachbody Coaches. It means that that infomercials being aired actually benefit the Coaches and they are able to leverage the $100 million dollars that Beachbody spends every year on producing and airing these infomercials.

Emotional Attachment – Very Important

Earlier in this post I mentioned the “emotional attachment” factor. In my opinion, for a distributor to be successful with any company, it’s very important for them to be emotionally attached to the products they are promoting. Becoming emotionally attached to Beachbody’s products is very easy to do. These workout programs get results and really do change people’s lives. I’ve seen it happen thousands of times. When someone loses 20, 30, or even 100 pounds, that is life changing. And when a product changes a person’s life, it’s very easy for that person to be passionate about that product, and genuinely want to recommend it to others.

Beachbody Coaching

Beachbody Coaching is not about being in perfect shape, and it’s not about being an expert on health and fitness. Beachbody Coaches are not personal trainers. What Beachbody Coaches do is share  and recommend others products they are using themselves to get great results.

I’m not saying that everyone has to become a Beachbody Coach. All I’m saying is that when choosing to be a part of any home based business, it is very important to be passionate about the products you are promoting. Before joining any company, you must ask yourself, would I buy and use these products if I wasn’t a distributor for the company?”…If your answer is “no”, you may want to think twice before joining.

So what do you think…Do you agree or disagree with me?…Let me know below, I’d love to hear from you.

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