A huge announcement was recently made from Beachbody. On Demand streaming is coming soon!
DVDs are so 2014…am I right? 😉
There is already a small beta test group that is testing out the platform. I’m going to be added to the Beachbody On Demand test group in February and will also get a chance to test it out before it is officially released to the public in March.
I’m super excited!
Try Beachbody On Demand For FREE… CLICK HERE!
This is going to be an awesome deal for the customers, but in this post I’m going to be going over why this is also a great thing for Beachbody Coaches (or anyone thinking about becoming a Coach) and how it will affect their business.
Does This Mean Beachbody Coaches Will Lose Sales And Commissions?
When the Beachbody On Demand announcement was first made there was some confusion. Many Beachbody Coaches asked the question, “If customers can stream the workouts, does this mean they won’t buy the workout programs anymore and I’ll lose commissions?”
This is a logical question, but the answer is “NO”. Online streaming won’t hurt Beachbody Coaches’ businesses at all. In fact, it’s going to help Coaches grow their business and income.
Let me explain…
Beachbody On Demand streaming is going to be part of the Club Membership, which costs $2.99/week. (Or $38.87 because is it billed quarterly.)
There is already a Club Membership option which contains some great benefits. The cost of the membership is staying the same, but with On Demand streaming be added, the value of the membership is skyrocketing. Here is a complete list of the Team Beachbody Club Membership:
- 10% discount on all Team Beachbody purchases. (This alone can be a money save for anyone that orders products on a regular basis. Shakeology, Recovery Drink, Energy & Endurance, Protein Bars, etc.)
- Personalized meal plans, nutrition tips, and delicious and healthy recipes that make it easy to lose weight.
- VIP access to celebrity trainers and their content. (Live video chats, video, articles.)
- And now…ON DEMAND streaming!
I’ll repeat this again because it’s important. The cost of the Team Beachbody Club Membership is NOT going up.
Team Beachbody Club Members will be able to stream workouts on any device. A cell phone, a tablet, a laptop…any device that has an internet browser. This means you can take your workout anywhere, even to the gym.
I’ve had a handful of customers ask me about Body Beast, but because they didn’t own dumbbells, and didn’t want to spend the money to buy them (they are expensive), they decided to not do the program. With Beachbody On Demand streaming, they will now be able to take Body Beast to the gym with them, and use the gym’s barbells…This is just one example.
SEE ALSO: Beachbody On Demand Review
On Demand Streaming Is A Great Thing For Beachbody Coaches And Customers
Another Beachbody Coach on my team recently asked me, “Isn’t On-Demand going to hurt our Challenge Pack sales?”…
My reply is below:
“Challenge Packs are usually one-time sales. Once a customer purchases one Challenge Pack, they normally don’t come back and order a second Challenge Pack…Remember, they’re on Shakeology HD (monthly auto-ship) and won’t need to order more Shakeology, so they’ll just order the workout program they want.
When they order a Challenge Pack, they also get a free 30 day trial of the Club Membership…this is HUGE because they will see the value of Club Membership and be more likely not to cancel.
Having a customer that is Club Member will be worth more to you in the long run with the recurring 50% commissions. Selling a workout program is great, but it’s still only a one-time commission….I’d much rather have a customer that is a Club Member…
And ultimately it’s a GREAT deal for the customer too, which is what is most important. I’ll feel great about selling the Club Membership, because it’s a STEAL for them…a real no brainer.
With technology changing and streaming available, less and less people are buying DVDs…DVD players will eventually be obsolete. (I can’t remember the last time I bought a DVD other than Beachbody’s. If we want to watch a movie, we stream on demand from our cable service provider, Netflix, Amazon Fire, etc.)
It’s great to see Beachbody keeping up with the times and it’s a win/win for everyone, the Coaches and the customers.
I’m sure there will be Coaches saying, “I can’t make any sales because my customers are streaming the workouts”….don’t buy into what they are saying and their excuses. Take a step back and look at the big picture…The big picture (product wise) is…SHAKEOLOGY…The workouts are a great lead in to Shakeology…
If you’re a Coach that is not Emerald yet, this is another reason to get to Emerald ASAP…Converting the customer leads to Club Members will be much easier than it used to be.”
SEE ALSO: Beachbody Coaches Are Literally Handed Customers
Additional benefits of Beachbody On Demand streaming are:
- Less returns. If a customer doesn’t like a certain workout program, they can easily (and instantly) choose a different program.
- No more scratched DVDs.
- Less piracy and counterfeiting.
- Lower cost, lower price of entry. (Greater value for customers, easier sale for Coaches.)
- Residual commissions for Coaches. (This is HUGE.)
- Beachbody On Demand streaming will be EXCLUSIVE to the Coach’s network. Which means is someone wants it, they have to order it from a Beachbody Coach.
Beachbody Coaching – A Global Opportunity
With Beachbody On Demand streaming, becoming a “global” company just got much easier. With no physical product to ship overseas, this opens up a huge opportunity to international markets. Currently the Beachbody Coaching opportunity is only available in the U.S. and Canada, but I know plans to expand internationally are on the horizon. I don’t want to start any rumors, and I don’t have any specific information on which countries we will launch in or what dates, but my intuition is telling me that international expansion coming soon. Which means it’s never been a better time to become a Beachbody Coach.
Try Beachbody On Demand For FREE… CLICK HERE!
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