If you are a Beachbody Coach one of your primary short term goals should be to qualify for Success Club every month. In this post I’m going to explain what Success Club is, and why achieving it should be one of your goals.
Let’s start with a fact: Coaches who hit Success Club every month in 2015 saw their paychecks increase by an average of 133% compared to Coaches who didn’t.
Having a goal, having something specific to shoot for is very important. If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time. You won’t qualify for Success Club on accident, it has to be on your radar and a goal you are shooting for.
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The Beachbody Coach Success Club is based on a simple points system:
- 1 Challenge Pack Sale = 2 points
- 1 Shakeology Home Direct Sale = 1 point
*UPDATE: As of March 2017 Shakeology Home Direct sales are now worth 2 Success Club Points.
Every month a new qualification period starts. Every Coach begins the first day of the month with 0 points.
For example, if you help 3 people get started on their fitness journey with a Challenge Pack you would earn 6 Success Club points. Achieving this every month, would put you above 90% of all other Coaches. (I don’t know the exact number, this is a guess.)
Let’s be real. Is helping 3 people a month and selling 3 Challenge Packs hard to do?
For anyone working the business and putting in the effort, the answer is “NO”, it’s not very hard to do.
*Side note – Success Club 5 and Success Club 10 are numbers that Beachbody has come up with. I encourage Coaches to set their own goals. Don’t always shoot for the minimums. It’s always a good idea to raise your goals and expectations higher than everyone else’s.
SEE ALSO: Can You Really Make Money As A Beachbody Coach?
Having the short term goal of Success Club every month is a great way to track your long term success and make sure you’re on track to achieving your long term goals. Every month you’ll know if you need to step up your game or not.
The main point is, you MUST have goal. You must be shooting for something. If you work your Beachbody business without really trying to achieve anything, you won’t achieve anything.
Set a goal for yourself.
Want to increase your chances of qualifying for Success Club (or reaching any goal) by 1000%?
The first step is to write your goal down. (I know, it seems too simple to be effective, but it works! What’s the harm in giving it a try?) And place the piece of paper that you have written your goal down on somewhere you will see it everyday.
According to the book, The Psychology Of Selling, by Brian Tracy, the simple act of writing your goals down will increase the likelihood of achieving them by 1,000 percent. It’s a simple task that anyone can do…just trust me on this and give it a try. (Most people refuse to do this. Don’t be like most people.)
Benefits Of Success Club
In addition to having a goal to shoot for every month, there are HUGE benefits and incentives to Beachbody Coaches for qualifying for Success Club.
Customer Lead Program & Shakeology Lead Program
In 2015 Beachbody spent $165 million on media and airing informercials. These infomercials create customers that are given to Coaches as “Customer Leads”. In order to receive these leads, a Coach has to be the rank of Emerald, and also qualify for Success Club 5.
The Shakeology Lead program is for Coaches who have achieved Success Club 10. When a Coach meets the qualifications (rank of Emerald and 10 Success Club points for the month) of the Shakeology Lead Program, they are given Shakeology customers and also receive the commissions on those orders. This is a HUGE incentive. Beachbody is basically building our business for us, and literally putting money in our pocket, if we qualify.
And keep in mind, with our Shakeology customers we just don’t earn a one-time commission. We earn a commission EVERY time the customer reorders. Over time these commissions add up.
Because of the customer lead programs, my goal every month is to qualify for Success Club 10. If Beachbody is handing out customers AND commissions, I’m going to do whatever it takes to be able to take advantage of that incentive. Not just for the free customers, but also because it pushes me to continue to put in effort and move my business forward every month.
Below is a screenshot of my Coach Online Office showing that because I qualified for Success Club 10 in February, I was given 9 customer leads in March.

So 9 customers may not seem like a lot, but keep in mind that is an additional incentive. Beachbody does NOT have to give me any customers. Beachbody is rewarding the Coaches who are putting in the effort, taking their business seriously, and qualifying for Success Club.
Consistency is the key. Imagine how many customer leads you would receive if you qualified for Success Club every month, for 3 years. (At the time of this writing I’ve qualified for Success Club 5 for 30 months in a row.) It’s not about qualifying once or twice (although that’s a great start), it’s about qualifying EVERY month.
SEE ALSO: Beachbody Coach Million Dollar Business
Make Success Club a non-negotiable part of your business.
Monthly Success Club Gifts, Rewards, and Random Trinkets

Usually every month there is a prize earned for Beachbody Coaches that qualify for Success Club. For example, this current month (April 2016) the prize is a Shakeology apron. Over the years I’ve earned a Beachbody boogie board, a Shakeology Snuggie (Yes you read that correctly lol. I have a Shakeology Snuggie, click here to see a pic of me wearing it.), bobbleheads of Beachbody’s celebrity trainers, a coffee cup, Beachbody-Opoly (a Beachbody themed monopoly board game), and many other things.
Exotic Trips & Vacations
Each year there is a Success Club trip. I have qualified every year since 2010. My wife and I have gone on 3 Caribbean Cruises, spent 4 nights at the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas, 5 nights at an all exclusive resort in Mexico, and in 2017 we’re headed to the Hard Rock Resort in Punta Cana. These trips have all been amazing.
Qualifying for these trips has changed a little each each year, but the basic concept is, as you earn Success Club points you also earn “Trip Cash” that is applied towards the cost of your Success Club trip. The goal is to work on having your trip paid for completely. But having it partially paid for can still be a great deal for you.
The trips are an extra incentive. If you are a Beachbody Coach that is actively working on growing your business and earning Success Club points every month, it makes sense to get registered for the trips and also earn cash you can apply towards the trip.
Ultimately Beachbody Coach Success Club is about setting goals for yourself. The customer lead program is a great incentive, the free gifts and trips are a bonus, but you want to be shooting for Success Club EVERY month for yourself and your business. It’s a monthly benchmark to insure your Beachbody business is growing and moving in the right direction.
My advice to every Beachbody Coach is to make Success Club your #1 goal every month. Make Success Club non-negotiable.