How To Become A Diamond Beachbody Coach In 90 Days

Diamond Beachbody Coach
Diamond Beachbody Coach

Becoming a Diamond Beachbody Coach is an achievement that every Coach is striving for. In this post I’m going to explain what it takes for a Beachbody Coach to advance in rank to Diamond, and also how to achieve this goal in only 90 days.

Diamond Beachbody Coach – What It Takes

The qualifications for being a Diamond Coach may seem complicated at first glance, but when you peel back a layer or two, it’s actually pretty simple. This is what is needed for a Coach to be considered a Diamond Beachbody Coach.

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Requirements to be a Diamond Beachbody Coach:

  • Have 8 personally sponsored Coaches (4 in each leg)
  • 2 of those personally sponsored Coaches must have a rank of Emerald (or higher) and they must be in different legs. (One Emerald in the right and left leg.)
  • Have a minimum, of 100 PV (personal volume) a month that can come from retail sales or the Coach’s own purchases.

Here’s an image of what is required in order to advance in rank to a Diamond Beachbody Coach

How To Become A Diamond Beachbody Coach
Diamond Beachbody Coach

If you still need help understanding how a Beachbody Coach advances in rank to Diamond, below is a 5 minute video where I draw it out and give an explanation:

So now that you know what it takes to be a Diamond Beachbody Coach, now it is just a matter of coming up with a plan to get there, and then taking action.

“You must have a plan…reaching your goals will NOT happen on accident.”

It’s all about taking action. Most Beachbody Coaches don’t have the success they would like to have because they don’t take action.

The first step is to set your goals and write them down. According to the book, The Psychology Of Selling, by Brian Tracy, the simple act of writing your goals down will increase the likelihood of achieving them by 1,000 percent. It’s a simple task that anyone can do…just trust me on this and give it a try.

When setting your goals you have to be very clear and concise. You want your goals to be as specific as possible. You don’t want your goal to simply be, “I want to be a Diamond Beachbody Coach in 90 days”. This goal is NOT specific enough.

Your goals must contain a specific action step that can be measured and tracked daily, weekly, and monthly. At the end of the day it should be very clear if you achieved your or not. If you did not reach your goal, you should know exactly why and what you need to change or do differently in order to reach your goal the following day.

The key is to figure out what daily actions you need to take in order to reach the outcome you want. Once you have the actions figured out, make the actions the goal. The outcome cannot be the goal. In this case, advancing in rank to Diamond is the outcome, not the goal.

Diamond Beachbody Coach Goal Examples

  • Bad goal to set – My goal is to be Diamond in 90 days (not specific enough)
  • Better goal to set – My goal is to invite 4 people a day to my upcoming Challenge group, or to take a look at the business opportunity/products.

Can you see how having a clear and specific goal is better? It can easily be tracked and measured. At the end of the day, you can easily determine if you met your goal by inviting 4 people or not.

Once your goals are set and you have come up with a daily action that will cause you to reach your desired outcome of becoming a Diamond Beachbody Coach in 90 days, the next step is to set a schedule, and stick to it. Again, you want to be as specific as possible.

If you tell yourself, “I’ll just talk to people and work my business when I have time”, you’ll never end up having time.

The things that get scheduled, are the things that get done. I want to say (write) this again because it’s super important. The things that get get scheduled are the things that get done.

Scheduling and Planning Examples

  • Bad scheduling and planning – I will work my Beachbody Coach business 10 hours a week (not specific enough)
  • Better scheduling and planning – I will make phone calls every day from 5:00 – 6:00 inviting people to watch a Beachbody Coaching business presentation video. From 6:00 – 7:00 I will make my follow up calls from my previous days’ invites.

Set a schedule, stick to it, and be consistent. Having a schedule and a plan relieves you from having to decide what to do, from having to make a choice. The majority of Beachbody Coaches are hopping on facebook and looking at pictures for a hour every night of the week and are calling that “working their business.” You must perform business building activities daily. Scrolling through facebook is NOT a business building activity.

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Your Road Map To Becoming A Diamond Beachbody Coach In 90 Days

The plans is to:

  • advance in rank to Emerald in 30 days
  • advance in rank to Ruby in the next 30 days
  • and then advance in rank to Diamond in the last 30 days.

Be sure to keep your short term goals the priority. If you are not Emerald yet, obviously you want to make that your main goal.

(*print this image and tape it on the wall in your workspace)

Beachbody Coach Diamond Road Map
Beachbody Coach Diamond Road Map

Below is a Diamond Beachbody Coach worksheet. Print this out, fill out the circles so you know exactly what your organization looks like and what you need to achieve the rank Diamond. Tape this on the wall in your workspace, somewhere you will see it every day.

Diamond Beachbody Coach Worksheet (click to enlarge)
Diamond Beachbody Coach Worksheet

If you take my advice and recommendations, and write down you daily, weekly, and monthly goals as clear and specific as possible. And then set a plan and schedule, and then stick to it consistently…I’m certain you will reach your goal of becoming a Diamond Beachbody Coach. It may take you longer than 90 days. It may even take you a year or 2. But I’m certain that if you don’t give up, you will reach your goal.

The “average” person will not take my advice and will waste their time looking for a shortcut that doesn’t exist. My challenge to you is to not be “average”. Follow the steps I’ve laid out for you. Print the images out. And then get to work.

If you’ve found this post helpful, leave a comment below letting me know, I’d love to hear from you.

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