Beachbody Is Changing Their Name To BODi – Why?

Beachbody changing name to BODi

For years Beachbody’s motto has been to “help people achieve their goals and lead healthy, fulfilling live“. That is a great purpose and motto, and it’s not changing… but it is expanding. For Beachbody (BODi), the goals is not to have six-pack abs. The goals is to promote Health Esteem. What is Health Esteem? Health … Read more

Why Isn’t Shakeology FDA Approved?

Is Shakeology FDA approved?

Every bag of Shakeology has this on the label; “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” Someone recently reach out to me and said, “I love Shakeology, but I’m concerned about the FDA labeling on the package, … Read more

5 Things That Successful Beachbody Coaches Do That Other’s Don’t!

Every Beachbody Coach starts out in exactly the same position, they have no customers, and no team. Every Coach also has the exact same products and opportunity to offer, the same compensation plan, and the same tools to use. It’s a level playing field for everyone. So why do some Beachbody Coaches have massive success … Read more

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