Can I Succeed At Beachbody Coaching If I Live In A Small Town?

I hear this one often…

“I want to become a Beachbody Coach, but I don’t think I’ll be able to be successful because I live in a “small town”.

When signing up to become a Beachbody Coach does location matter?

The answer is a big fat NO.

Location does NOT matter and is irrelevant to your success. One of the benefits of the Beachbody Coaching business is that your location does not matter. This isn’t the case for traditional brick and mortar businesses. Businesses with storefronts and are limited by their location. (Unless they are also able to sell products online, which depends on what actual business they are in. For example, it’s hard for Dentists to sell their dental services online to someone in another state.)

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Lets use a gym as another example. A gym can only have members that live nearby in the local area. People aren’t going to join a gym that is a hour from their home. If you own a gym, your business growth is limited by your location.

As a Beachbody Coach, I’m not limited by my location. I have customers and Coaches on my team in all 50 states and throughout Canada. (And with international expansion on the horizon, soon I’ll have team members overseas on other continents.)

Don’t let your location be an excuse for not succeeding or for not even getting started. Instead of looking for reasons why you can’t succeed, make a list of reasons why you WILL succeed.

I live in what many people would consider a “small town”. (Holly, MI – Population 6,086) And my Beachbody business results wouldn’t be any different if I lived in New York City, or Alaska.

SEE ALSO: My Beachbody Business Journey (See EXACT Earning Numbers)

Beachbody Coaching Success – Location Is Irrelevant

Whether you live in big city or a small town, ultimately your success as a Beachbody Coach depends on the effort you put in. Which is great news if you are ambitious and motivated, but bad news if you’re looking to get rich quick without doing any work. (If you are looking to get rich quick without effort, you can move on, that is not how this works.)

Below is a great example and proof that location is irrelevant. Fellow Beachbody Coach Chad had a successful month with his business while on military deployment in Afghanistan.

Beachbody Coach Small Town
Proof That Location Does NOT Matter

Chad’s results are amazing! He easily could of said, “I’m in Afghanistan, I’m not doing this Beachbody “stuff” right now.” But Chad still put in the work. Which now that I think about it, is very impressive.

The point is, nowadays with the internet, social media, email, etc., the entire world is just a few clicks away. Your success as a Beachbody Coach is not determined by your location and you actually have a benefits over traditional storefront businesses because you are able to serve anyone anywhere.

My only disclaimer is, having access to the internet is a MUST. Obviously ff you’re in a remote area with no electricity, no internet connection, and no one around you, then you’re right, that will make building your Beachbody business a challenge.

SEE ALSO: Make Money With Beachbody On Demand!

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