Beachbody Coach Showcase Challenge Pack – Best Value!

beachbody coach best dealIf you are planning on signing up to become a Beachbody Coach, the absolute best deal is to get signed up with the Showcase Challenge Pack. The is the best value and is available to new Coaches only during the Coach signup process. Once you are signed up as a Coach this special deal is no longer available.

You’ll want to order this while signing up to become a Beachbody Coach anyhow, because when you do the $39.95 fee to become a Coach is waived, which saves you even more money.

Here’s what comes with the Showcase Challenge Pack:

  • 21 Day Fix ($59.85)
  • P90x3 ($119.85)
  • T25 ($119.85)

These are 3 of Beachbody’s most popular workout programs. I personally own all of 3 of these workouts, and they are all great.

With the Showcase Challenge Pack you will also be getting:

  • A month’s supply of Shakeology ($129.95)
  • Shakeology sample kit ($19.95)

To see that the price would be if I ordered all of these items separately, I added them to the cart at and the price ended up being a whopping $576.19 after shipping and taxes were added on. See screenshot below and don’t worry, you won’t be paying anywhere near that much…

beachbody showcase challenge pack

But that’s not all you’ll be getting with the Showcase Challenge Pack. You will also be getting these popular Coach tools to help you get your business started:

  • Shakeology tote bags – 5 pack ($12.95)
  • Shakeology welcome guides – 10 pack ($9.90)
  • Team Beachbody Product Catalogs – 5 Pack ($7.50)

Which totals up to $39.54 after shipping and tax is added.

beachbody coach showcase pack


  • The Beachbody Coach sign up fee is waived! ($39.95)
  • You will also be receiving my personal bonus package that is easily worth $30.

This all comes to a grand total of $685.68.

But you won’t have to pay that much…

When you order a Showcase Challenge Pack, you’ll only be paying $295!

You’re saving over $390!

You’re saving more than your spending…

I wished this option was available when I signed up as a Beachbody Coach. I didn’t realize how great of a deal the Showcase Challenge Pack was until I crunched the numbers.

To take advantage of this special package, all you need to do is go through the Beachbody Coach sign up process, and select the “Showcase Challenge Pack” option.

Click Here To Get Signed Up As A Beachbody Coach Today!

If you have any questions, click here to send me over an email.

SEE ALSO: 5 Common Beachbody Coach Misconceptions

Up To 75% Off!